If you want to book a course that has reached the maximum number of participants, you will be booked directly into the waiting list. As soon as a participant cancels, the first member from the waiting list moves up.
Your studio can set a maximum number of participants on the waiting list, as well as a time period for how quickly participants can move up. If there is no waiting list option, then your studio has not activated it. Please check directly with your studio which settings apply to you.
If there is no space available on the waiting list, you will immediately receive a message in the MySports Member Platform that the waiting list is full. When you book a waiting list place, you will receive a waiting list confirmation by email and in the MySports Member Platform app.
If you move up to a participant spot, you will receive a "participant spot booked" message.
If you do not receive a place before the start of the appointment, you will receive the message "No participant place available".